Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Sharing at ice hockey

Several of us attended USA vs Russia women's hockey today. As usual our ministry happens in route to the event on the bus or while at the event. God gave us multiple opportunities to share with people on the bus and at the hockey event.

One conversation stands out in my mind today. It was on the return bus ride. I began to talk with a young professional sitting beside us on the bus. She was recently divorced and seemed like fairly content woman. Even though she offered the typical lead in question, "what does a sports chaplain do?" I did not feel led to jump into the gospel presentation using the pin. I asked her about her beliefs. She responded that she did not have a "spiritual" belief and really had not had a need for it. Her opinion was that we are all a flame and eventually our light goes out. Interesting concept, to say the least. As we chatted on the bus, I eventually had the chance to share what I believe. She was respectful and somewhat receptive. I gave her a pin but challenged her to seek truth. I suggested that she read The Case for Christ and she actually wrote down the title as if she would pick up a copy. I pray she will seek truth and will find that life and etermity is more than a flame that eventually burns out.

Thank you God for divine appointments. It is easy to get discouraged if you don't see the immediate results from witnessing. But I am reminded daily, my charge for the Lord is to share the truth. I do not have the power to convict and change hearts...that is a God thing.

Thank you God for allowing me to have a small part in your Kingdom work!

What a blessed day. What a fun day! I saw my first ever hockey game and got to share Jesus along the way.


  1. you inspire me because you LIVE out what I am reading and trying to figure out in Crazy Love. I had a lump in my throat when reading how lukewarm Christians may not be Christians after all! thank you for demonstating Christ like love, being purposeful in reaching out!

  2. I just read that chapter in Crazy Love that mbethy mentioned on my flight to Prague... between that and praying for your ministry in Vancouver this week, God led me to have the chance to share with the man sitting next to me on the plane. He had the same view in that we live, we die and it's all over. It made me sad. But he did listen to some of my story and all I can do is pray that God would continue to soften his heart for the Truth!
